Building on the successful work of the Clean Hydrogen Partnership with regions and on the learnings of the BIG-HIT project supported under the Call for Proposals 2015 of the Clean Hydrogen Partnership, support to Hydrogen Valleys has been included in all JU Call for Proposals since 2019. Against this backdrop, projects such as HEAVENN (Call 2019) and Green Hysland (Call 2020) have become pioneers and flagships of the Hydrogen Valley concept.
Building on the above activities, Hydrogen Valleys have been identified in the RePowerEU plan as a essential in order to scale up Europe’s hydrogen economy. This is the case because they bring together clean hydrogen production, storage of hydrogen and distribution to end-uses while creating regional value chains. Acknowledging the role of the Clean Hydrogen JU in initiating the concept of Hydrogen Valleys and of its initial support, the European Commission allocated to the Clean Hydrogen Partnership an additional €200 million through RePowerEU, to double the number of Hydrogen Valleys in Europe by 2025.
Together in the Calls 2022 and 2023, the Clean Hydrogen Partnership signed grants with 13 new Hydrogen Valley projects across Europe. 2 additional Hydrogen Valleys from the Call 2024 have also been signed. Additional grants for Hydrogen Valleys supported under the Call 2024 are currently being prepared. Details will be added once the grants are signed.
Altogether, the Clean Hydrogen JU has supported to date 18 hydrogen valleys projects across 17 European countries, out of which 17 projects are still ongoing. Together they represent investment for more than 1.2 bill EUR with a JU total funding of 215 MEUR.
A summary of the hydrogen valleys supported by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership to date can be found below.
Large-scale Hydrogen Valleys (>4,000 t/year of H2 produced and used)
- HEAVENN: Northen Netherlands
- NAHV: North Adriatic, cross-border, Hydrogen valley covering North Italy, Slovenia, and Croatia
- BalticSeaH2: Cross-border, Hydrogen corridor across South Finland & Estonia
- IMAGHyNE: Hydrogen valley across the French region of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
- HI2 Valley: Region of Carinthia, Styria and Upper Austria
Small-scale valleys (>500 t/year of H2 produced and used)
- GreenHysland, Mallorca, Spain
- TRIERES: Corinthia, Greece
- CRAVE-H2: Crete, Greece
- SH2AMROCK: Galway, Ireland
- TH2ICINO: Lombardy region, Italy
- LuxHyVal: Luxemburg
- HYSouthMarmara: South Marmara Region, Türkiye
- ZAHYR: Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
- CONVEY: Hirtshals Port (HP), Northern Denmark
- AdvancedH2Valley: Pays de la Loire region, France
- H2tALENT: Alentejo, Portugal
- HySpark: Mazovian Region, Poland
Hydrogen Valleys will also be supported under the Call 2025. The Call was published on 15 January 2025 and has a deadline of 23 April 2025.
Latest events

The event, co-organised by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership and the European Commission - DG Research and Innovation, will take place in Brussels on 17-18 June 2024, at the Hotel, and builds on the successful work of the Clean Hydrogen JU with European regions and cities, including project development assistance and funding of 15 hydrogen valleys across Europe. This groundwork sets the stage for the launch of an EU roadmap for Hydrogen Valleys and related facility.

Based on extensive collection of primary data from the projects, the platform provides comprehensive insights into the most advanced and ambitious Hydrogen Valleys around the globe.

The purpose of this two-day workshop was for the regional and local actors to talk about current opportunities and challenges in rolling-out and scaling-up Hydrogen Valleys in Europe. The workshop was by invitation only and targeted stakeholders of existing and future hydrogen valleys.