Strategy Map and Key Performance Indicators - Clean Hydrogen Partnership Skip to main content

European Partnership

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Clean Hydrogen Partnership

Strategy Map and Key Performance Indicators

 The Clean Hydrogen JU has established a monitoring framework to track the progress towards its objectives as set out in the SBA and the Horizon Europe Regulation, as well as its contribution towards the priorities of the Union and the SRIA. These are monitored via a number of KPIs, as described in Section 7 of the SRIA. These indicators can be grouped in the following categories:

  1. Horizon Europe KPIs, defined in the Horizon Europe Regulation as Key Impact Pathways and applicable for the whole Horizon Europe Programme;
  2. Common JU Indicators, as defined in the monitoring framework developed by the Expert Group set up to support the strategic coordination process of the European R&I Partnerships;
  3. Clean Hydrogen JU KPIs, defined by the Clean Hydrogen JU for the purpose of monitoring the progress towards the objectives of the Strategy Map and its relevant targets;
  4. Technology KPIs, defined by the Clean Hydrogen JU to monitor technology progress and innovation of its projects towards the R&I priorities defined in the SRIA.

In order to identify the necessary actions required over the lifetime and the JU to meet its specific objectives, the Clean Hydrogen JU prepared its Strategy map. The Strategy Map links the resources of the JU and the actions taken (operational objectives / indicators) towards concrete outcomes (specific objectives / indicators) and directly to one (or more) of the general objectives and intended impacts of the Clean Hydrogen JU, which would contribute in turn to one or more high-level objectives of the Union. Figure 1 below presents the JU’s strategy map, linking actions with expected outcomes and intended impacts.