Collaboration with JRC - Clean Hydrogen Partnership Skip to main content

European Partnership

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Clean Hydrogen Partnership

Collaboration with JRC

Joint Research Centre (JRC) is the European Commission’s science and knowledge service. It aims to provide evidence-based scientific support to the European policymaking process. JRC undertakes high quality research in the field of fuel cells and hydrogen that is of considerable relevance to the implementation of the Clean Hydrogen JU activities. Clean Hydrogen JU's collaborative priorities have always included a close working relationship with the Joint Research Centre (JRC).

During the Horizon Europe period, a Framework Agreement between the Clean Hydrogen JU and JRC was signed by the two Parties on 29/11/2022, in the spirit and continuing the work of the previous Framework Contract between the two Parties. In line with the JRC mission, these support activities will primarily support the formulation and implementation of the Clean Hydrogen JU strategy and activities in the areas of standardisation, technology monitoring and assessment and sustainability. In addition, Clean Hydrogen JU may call upon JRC to perform specific actions for individual projects, by which the JRC provides added value to programme objectives. More specifically, these areas include:

  • Contribution to programme monitoring and assessment;
  • JRC support to harmonisation testing protocols, in particular for electrolysers and including ‘accelerated testing’;
  • JRC support to sustainability activities of the JU and LCA methodology.

The exact services to be provided by the JRC are agreed annually and described in an annual Rolling Plan, which is an integrated part of the Annual Work Programme of the JU. 

In addition to the above, the Clean Hydrogen JU and the JRC, where possible and relevant, co-operate on activities relevant to the clean hydrogen technologies which contribute towards the JU meetings its objectives. Such activities may include, but not be limited to, sharing information on relevant Commission activities outside Horizon Europe that may support clean hydrogen innovation and deployment and may foster synergies, liaison with RCS technical committees and working groups, and collaboration on international activities like organisation of international workshops on hydrogen.

Moreover, the Programme Office of the JU will continue to support JRC by contributing to the Commission activities for the International Energy Agency (IEA) Hydrogen Technology Collaboration Programme (HTCP) executive committee.