The Project Development Assistance for Cities and Regions (PDA) programme launched a call for expressions of interest (EOI) on January 16th, 2020, open to all European cities and regions with an existing concept for a hydrogen and fuel cell deployment project. This program has come to an end. We have received 35 applications for Project Development Assistance (PDA) from regions across 18 European countries, including from areas with low deployment of hydrogen technologies, such as Central and Eastern Europe. 11 European regions were selected to benefit from direct assistance for developing high quality, integrated hydrogen projects.
The wide geographic spread and the diverse portfolio of the end-use applications in the regions selected create a great blueprint for the other regions, which were included in the PDA Observers’ Network. All of them were able to benefit from the shared knowledge and expertise.
The PDA programme has come to an end in June 2021. The final report can be downloaded using the following links:
The recording of the closing Webinar held on 19/10/2021 as well as the slides presented can be viewed and downloaded here.
Another PDA programme will be launched early in 2022. It shall support additional regions and cities to develop and launch hydrogen projects.

Policy White Paper
During the activities of the Project development Assistance for Regions and as part of the work completed in Močenok, the consultancies compiled a policy white paper to help regions understand and navigate the policy landscape for hydrogen. The paper provides an outline of the legislative environment today and the role hydrogen can play in this framework. It also reviews ambitious policies in place, or under discussion, which provide support for hydrogen production or consumption. This is used to highlight possible area of expansion for hydrogen policy across member states. The document also outlines several key options for intervention in the hydrogen sector going forward based on policy research and pilot activities.
The policy white paper can be downloaded here.