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European Partnership

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Clean Hydrogen Partnership

The EU Hydrogen Research Days (previously Programme Review Days - PRD) aim to give an overview on the progress of the Clean Hydrogen JU funded projects. Initiated in 2011 (as an answer to the JU mid-term evaluation recommendations), this annual event held in autumn presents the progress of the portfolio of hydrogen relevant projects funded by the Clean Hydrogen JU and its predecessors, as well as other EU research programmes, identifying key achievements but also potential areas to be addressed or reinforced in subsequent years.  

The exercise also provides an excellent visibility platform for projects and technological developments achieved in the sector and provides networking opportunities for the participants while facilitating the exchange of ideas and best practices. Moreover, it acts as a platform for the wider scientific community to express its opinions and views on the Programme of the Clean Hydrogen JU. 

Furthermore, a number of awards have been introduced to highlight and celebrate annually the results of collaboration between research, industry and policy makers, and projects achievements: 

  • The European H2 Valley Award 
  • The Best Success Story Award 
  • The Best Outreach Award 
  • The Best Innovation Awards

EU Hydrogen Research Days 2023

EU Hydrogen Research Days 2023

In 2023, the EU Hydrogen Research Days, integrated in the Hydrogen Week, took place fully online on the 15 and 16 November. 

It assessed the progress and achievements in the various pillars of the Clean Hydrogen programme and discussed ways forward and key issues concerning research and innovation in the clean hydrogen field.

Learn more about the Clean Hydrogen projects

EU Hydrogen Research Days 2022

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Programme Review Days 2021

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