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Clean Hydrogen Partnership
News article24 March 2022Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking1 min read

Call for experts - evaluation of project proposals

The Clean Hydrogen JU is looking for experts to evaluate project proposals in different application areas, including technical and management aspects of projects from basic research to industrial scale demonstrations.

Clean Hydrogen JU call for proposals

The experts are chosen from the European Commission's central database to evaluate project proposals in annual calls for proposals, according to the relevancy of their experience to the specific call topics. Please note that in order to eliminate any potential conflict of interestan expert can be selected only if him/her and his/her organisation are not submitting a proposal for the call which is under evaluation.

Follow the steps below to register as an expert for this current Clean Hydrogen JU call 2022

1) Register your details in the expert database online in the European Commission Opportunities and Tender Portal (Experts module).

2) Send an email to express your interest to act as an evaluator for the current call at projectsatclean-hydrogen [dot] europa [dot] eu (projects[at]clean-hydrogen[dot]europa[dot]eu), including the ‘expert registration number’ . This second step is very important to increase the chance of an expert to be identified faster and selected by the Clean Hydrogen JU (provided that they meet the requirements).

Deadline: 10 April 2022

You can find more information about the process here


Publication date
24 March 2022
Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking