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European Partnership

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Clean Hydrogen Partnership
News article23 February 2021Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking1 min read

EU proposal to set up a Clean Hydrogen Partnership for Europe

The European Commission presented today its proposal to set-up 10 new European Partnerships and invest nearly €10 billion for the green and digital transition.

Among these, the Clean Hydrogen Partnership will be building on the work of the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking, to accelerate the development and deployment of a European value chain for clean hydrogen technologies. It will focus on producing, distributing and storing clean hydrogen and, on supplying sectors that are hard to decarbonise, such as heavy industries and heavy-duty transport applications.

Together with the Hydrogen Alliance, the partnership will contribute to the achievement of the Union’s objectives put forward in the Green Deal and, more specifically, in the EU hydrogen strategy for a climate-neutral Europe.

“We welcome the proposal of the European Commission to set up the Clean Hydrogen Partnership. This initiative is a clear evidence of the success of the FCH JU, which managed to put Europe in a leadership position in FCH technologies such as electrolysis and supported the development of integrated hydrogen ecosystems (“hydrogen valleys”) in various European regions. We will continue to work relentlessly to develop and promote hydrogen technologies in Europe, realising their full potential in achieving carbon-clean energy systems and ultimately a climate-neutral Europe. We are happy to be shaping together with the other partnerships the future of a green and competitive European economy”, said Bart Biebuyck, FCH JU Executive Director.

Since its setup in 2008, the FCH JU has funded 285 research and demonstration projects, with an overall budget of over 1 billion Euro.

The Commission’s proposal for a Regulation, the Single Basic Act, will be adopted by the Council of the European Union, following consultation with the European Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee.

You can find the complete information on the Commission proposal here: (insert link)


Publication date
23 February 2021
Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking