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European Partnership

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Clean Hydrogen Partnership
  • Project

Showcasing Advanced Hydrogen Valley in Western France

AdvancedH2Valley aims to accelerate the deployment of renewable hydrogen in the Loire Valley in France by 2025 and prepare the future large-scale hydrogen economy in the European Atlantic Coastline. The project is built on successful first achievements of H2Ouest and VHyGO (Vallée Hydrogène Grand Ouest), two hydrogen ecosystems initiated in 2019.

AdvancedH2Valley is taking a big step forward in accelerating renewable hydrogen deployment in Western France as it will initiate:
- 11.5MW of new production capacities along with innovation to optimize operation process representing >1600t 100% certified renewable H2/year by 2028, in line with the Delegated Act of the EU’s Renewable Energy Directive;
- 2 new HRS with distribution capacity of up to 1,3t/day on RTE-T network;
- 1st hydrogen trucks fleet deployment in France, as well as innovating off-road port logistics vehicles and river ferry;
- 1st renewable hydrogen supply chain adapted to industrial customers specific requirements, in order to quickly decarbonize even the “small” industrial hydrogen consumptions;
- Innovations to enhance valley operation (multi-sites coordination, optimised truck filling).
AdvancedH2Valley ambitions to be both a lighthouse and an innovation lab for hydrogen valleys.

The consortium will strengthen collaborations and synergies between neighboring regions and especially pioneering peripherical maritime regions of the Atlantic Arc. The partners will actively share to them the knowledge generated on the project to foster the scalability and replicability of the AdvancedH2Valley model, and to pave the way for the future large-scale hydrogen economy in Europe.

The main expected impacts of the project are the direct decarbonization of transport and industrial activities using renewable hydrogen: 14,6t of CO2 will be avoided during the 2-year operation, and 2,8Mt per year by 2036.



